When did coronavirus come into existence? In 2019, obviously that’s why we call it COVID’19, isn’t it? COVID’19 is a very famous name right now and the most used domain name too. I am going to cover up all the services that our company provides and relate it to the benefits we can get during […]
We will need great business ideas to try out now seeing the current situation due to Coronavirus. Due to this, more than 3,00,000 people in our country are unemployed and god knows what they will do in future. Unemployed people are looking for business ideas to follow. But you can always look up to the […]
A domain name is how you want your website to look online. It is the unique address you use on the internet as long as you pay the annual charges for the .com domain. Read my blog on how to choose a domain name, click the link below: http://teamjugadu.com/blog/how-to-choose-a-domain-name/ Tips on how to choose a […]
Team Jugadu is a platform where we provide all the website development services and we not only give you the benefit of a website but our team will help you develop an omnipresence. https://teamjugadu.com/web-omnipresence Check this link out to know what is web omnipresence and what do we do in that. Web Omnipresence is a […]
today in this article we will be discussing Essential tips to do your SEOWe all know what Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is and how to do it but you might make some mistakes while doing the SEO for your website, blog, or anything. You need to avoid those mistakes if you want to achieve the SEO […]
A website for your business is an important thing as we can see a rise in the technology. You need to be online with your business. Read my blog on is website development easy or troublesome? http://teamjugadu.com/blog/website-development-easy-or-troublesome/ A website is an interaction between you and your customers who are online and looking for you. Here […]
Most of you are not familiar with the concept of web omnipresence and how do we do it? Web Omnipresence Development is an important part for your online business, let’s discuss how? What is Web Omnipresence? Web Omnipresence or Ubiquity refers to when you are everywhere with what you are doing. Like God is everywhere, […]
We are familiar with the concept of Cyber Security , if not you can read my blog on why is cyber security important? http://teamjugadu.com/blog/why-is-cyber-security-even-for-a-startup-important/ But do you know how many cyber attacks are there? Cyber attacks are on the rise. 60% of the companies have experienced a cyber attack. Most of the hackers target small businesses […]
What is AMC? AMC is the Annual Maintenance contract where you and your company will have a contract signed under some conditions on how they will manage your business and it’s visibility. Under AMC’s contract they maintain everything that is online with your business regularly. Keeping in mind the agreement that has been signed. As […]
What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is using free, organic, editorial words that help your website appear in top search results. Your SEO should be easily accessible to your visitors if you need traffic for your website. For eg., Team Jugadu is easy and flexible to search on google. A visitor looking for a […]