About Us

Who are we? And what do we do?

Team Jugadu is a startup that comes up with an improved way to do things. We develop websites for your online businesses but not only developing it is our job, we will secure it, digitally and socially market about your website, Content and graphics do not come in handy and you know they are important. A website should look good and the content should be short and understandable no one wants to read long paras and know what you deal in. A website should be rich in SEO because if it isn't famous, it is not going to be on top right? Consult us to get more strategies for your business and how to grow it in terms of offline and online market. Domain and business advice too because your domain should be able to reflect your work, you cannot name a flower website in the name of clothes.


Our Idea

    Team Jugaadu will help you develop your omnipresence. here's how:

    We provide services like website development, complete digital marketing, graphics, content, security, and domain name.

    Our team is dedicated to doing everything you want asper the service standards. Our graphic designers will provide with best graphic content for websites.

    Our integrated work manner will keep the work right.

    Once we have your project, all you need to do is sit back and relax, and let the magic happen.

    AMC is our Annual Maintenance Contract which is unique is for a year we are responsible to manage your online business. All the changes or upgradations you want in your website will be done by us.

Why the name Team Jugadu?

The word “Jugadu” has an essence that can describe how efficient a person is. We need special abilities to do things with limited resources. A person who has the ability to do a given task with less resources or limited resources is a Jugadu. A jugaad is something, people think is short term but in reality it takes good experience, efficiency in their field and proper knowledge to create a solution for something that has no or limited resources to work on or with. Now, since you have an idea of what Jugaadu means. The term "Team" is an idea that we do not want employees, but we want team members with innovative minds and can work under situations with fewer resources and more pressure. If you think you are the one, contact us.


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(Registered Office) 7th Floor HB twin tower ,Netaji Subhash Place, Delhi 110034

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Anything On your Mind. We’ll Be Glad To Assist You!